I. forte ˈfō(ə)r]t, -ȯ(ə)r], -ōə], -ȯ(ə)], usu ]d.+V also ˈfȯr]d.(ˌ)ā, -ȯ(ə)], ](ˌ)tā noun
( -s )
Etymology: earlier fort, from Middle French, from fort, adjective, strong — more at fort
1. one's strong point : that in which one excels
writing is his forte
2. : the stronger part of the blade of a sword : the part or half of a sword nearest the hilt — opposed to foible
II. for·te ˈfȯr]d.(ˌ)ā, ˈfȯ(ə)], (ˌ)tā; also ˈfȯr]d.]ē, ]t], ]i\ adverb (or adjective)
Etymology: Italian, strongly, loudly, from forte, adjective, strong, loud, from Latin fortis strong — more at fort
: loudly , powerfully — used as a direction in music; opposed to piano ; abbr. f or F
III. forte noun
( -s )
: a tone or passage played forte