ˈfretfəl adjective
Etymology: fret (I) + -ful
1. obsolete : gnawing , corrosive , irritating
a. : disposed to fret
a fretful baby
: peevish
a fretful and cantankerous old man
: impatient , restless
turned a fretful hungry eye upon the calendar, counting the days that intervened — A.J.Cronin
a constant fretful stamping of hoofs upon splintery planks — Kenneth Roberts
b. : ill-humored , angry
weary days of fretful argument — C.A. & Mary Beard
a. of water : showing agitation : troubled
the fretful waters of the Rogue river — American Guide Series: Oregon
b. of wind : coming brokenly : gusty
Synonyms: see irritable