Meaning of FUNICULUS in English

fyüˈnikyələs, f(y)əˈn- noun

( plural funicu·li -ˌlī, -ˌlē)

Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, small rope, diminutive of funis rope; perhaps akin to Greek thōminx cord

1. : any of various bodily structures more or less like a cord in form:

a. : umbilical cord

b. : one of the small bundles of fibers of which large nerves are made up

c. : any of certain bands of white matter in the brain and spinal cord ; specifically : column 6c(1)

d. : spermatic cord


a. : the stalk of an ovule

b. : the hyphal cord attaching the peridiole to the peridium in certain fungi of the family Nidulariaceae


a. : a band of mesoblastic tissue extending from the stomach to the body wall in bryozoans

b. : the part of the antenna of an insect situated between the pedicel and the club

c. : a dorsal ligament connecting the petiole and propodeum of certain hymenoptera

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