I. ˈjenəd.iv, -ətiv adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin genetivus, genitivus, literally, of birth, of generation (translation of Greek genikos in genikē ptōsis genitive case), irregular from gener-, genus birth, race, class, kind + -ivus -ive — more at kin
1. of a grammatical case : marking typically a relatively close, unchanging, and exclusive relationship such as that of possessor or source
the words ending in ' s in the phrases the boy's shoes, the sun's light, the speaker's arrival, and a member's expulsion from the club are in the genitive case
— compare possessive
2. of a word or word group : not characterized by case inflection but nevertheless expressing a relationship that in some inflected languages is often marked by a genitive case — used especially of English prepositional phrases introduced by of
the phrases of the sun in “the light of the sun” and of the speaker in “the arrival of the speaker” are genitive phrases
3. : of or relating to the genitive case
a genitive ending
II. noun
( -s )
Etymology: Latin genitivus, genetivus (translation of Greek genikē), from genitivus, genetivus, adjective
1. : a genitive case
2. : a genitive word or word group