jēˈämə.trē, -ri also ÷ˈjäm- noun
( -es )
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English geometrie, from Middle French, from Latin geometria, from Greek geōmetria, from geōmetrein to measure or survey the earth (from geō- ge- + metrein to measure, from metron measure) + -ia -y — more at measure
a. : a branch of mathematics that deals with the measurement, properties, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids
b. : a particular type or system of geometry
c. : a treatise on geometry
a. : configuration
geometry of an automotive steering linkage
geometry of an optical system
b. : surface shape (as of a mechanical part or a crystal)
3. : an arrangement of objects or parts that suggests geometrical figures or outlines
the picturesque geometry of spars, masts, ropes, pulleys, and all the busy trappings of a Vineyard fisherman — Samuel Chamberlain
what is of interest to musicians in “Wozzeck” is its geometry , its contrapuntal plan, its structure — Robert Craft