I. gil·lie noun
or gil·ly or ghil·lie ˈgili
( plural gillies or ghillies )
Etymology: Scottish Gaelic gille & Irish Gaelic giolla boy
1. : a male attendant or servant to a Scottish Highland chief
2. Scot & Irish : a fishing and hunting guide
3. : a low-cut shoe with a decorative lacing ; especially : a shoe tied by means of a cord that runs through loops or slots instead of eyelets and often winds around the ankle
II. gillie intransitive verb
( gillied ; gillied ; gillying ; gillies )
: to serve as a gillie
III. gill·ie ˈjili noun
( -s )
Etymology: gill (VI) + -ie
1. dialect : a stupid person
2. dialect : a woman of easy virtue
IV. gill·ie noun
( -s )
Etymology: gill (I) + -ie
Scotland : a gill of liquor