I. ˈgilt adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from past participle of gilden to gild — more at gild
: covered with gold or gilt : of the color of gold : gilded
II. noun
( -s )
1. : gold or something that resembles gold laid on the surface of a thing : gilding
2. slang : money
3. : superficial or shoddy prettiness or brilliance : false glitter
the gilt has worn off some of these sparkling aphorisms — M.D.Geismar
III. noun
or yilt ˈyilt
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English gilte, gylte, from Old Norse gyltr, gylta sow; akin to Old English gelte young sow, Middle Low German gelte spayed sow — more at geld
: an immature female swine ; also : a young sow usually prior to production of her first litter but sometimes until bred to produce a second litter
IV. noun
: a bond issued by the government of the United Kingdom