or gob·ble·de·gook |gäbəldē|gu̇k, -di|-, -|gük
Etymology: irregular from gobble (III)
: wordy and generally unintelligible jargon:
a. : inflated, involved, and obscure verbiage usually associated with bureaucratic pronouncements
the current law is a masterpiece of complexity and gobbledygook — Roswell Magill
b. : the specialized language of a group or organization that is usually wordy and complicated and often unintelligible to an outsider
I don't get all this real-estate gobbledygook : twenty-seven-five, five down, exclusive development, unspoiled area, last frontier — Steve McNeil
writing in a linguistic gobbledygook unintelligible to everyone except the specialist — G.S.Lane
c. : a meaningless jumble of words
only the teachers in the English department teach English; the others let their students get by with any old gobbledygook — S.E.Morison