grəˈtüəd.]əs, grə.ˈtyü-, -üət] adjective
Etymology: Latin gratuitus, from gratus pleasing, grateful — more at grace
a. : given freely or without recompense : granted without pay or without claim or merit
the gratuitous blessings of Heaven — Roger L'Estrange
b. : costing the recipient or participant nothing : free
homemade fun is gratuitous — Aldous Huxley
c. : not involving a return benefit, compensation, or consideration — opposed to onerous ; see gratuitous bailment , gratuitous contract
2. : not called for by the circumstances
a gratuitous insult
: adopted or asserted without good ground
a gratuitous assumption
• gra·tu·i·tous·ly adverb
• gra·tu·i·tous·ness noun -es