I. ˈhalsēən noun
Etymology: Middle English alceon, alicion, from Latin halcyon, alcyon, from Greek halkyōn, alkyōn
1. -s
a. : a bird identified with the kingfisher that was fabled by the ancients to nest at sea in a floating nest about the time of the winter solstice and to calm the waves during incubation
b. : kingfisher
[New Latin, from Latin halcyon, alcyon ]
capitalized : a genus of large kingfishers widely distributed in warmer parts of the Old World
II. adjective
1. : belonging to or suggestive of the period commonly reckoned as 14 days assumed by the ancients to occur at the time of the winter solstice during the nesting period of the halcyon
halcyon calm
a. : pleasingly or idyllically calm or peaceful : serene
a halcyon atmosphere
b. : happy , golden
a halcyon era
the halcyon days of youth
c. : prosperous , affluent
the halcyon days of the clipper-ship trade
Synonyms: see calm