-b(ə)rij noun
( -s )
a. : shelter , refuge
talking as if he had a right to harborage , attention, and affection — Clemence Dane
for this harborage … hostility seemed to her a little price to pay — Katherine Freeman
b. : a place of shelter or refuge : resting-place
the island was a harborage for privateersmen and runaway slaves
c. : a place offering favorable environmental conditions for growth and life
to reduce a rat population, competition must be increased by reducing food or harborage — Wildlife Review
weedy hedgerows … are thus a harborage for many troublesome pests — F.D.Smith & Barbara Wilcox
a. : shelter for ships : harbor facilities
the long indented coast offers excellent harborage
b. : harbor
the ship … was lifted over the sandbars into the safe harborage of Matanzas — J.B.Cabell & A.J.Hanna