or arus·pex (h)əˈrəˌspeks, ˈ(h)ar-
( plural haruspi·ces or aruspi·ces -ˈrəspəˌsēz)
Etymology: Latin haruspic-, haruspex, from haru- (akin to Greek chordē gut, cord) + -spic-, -spex (from spicere, specere to look) — more at yarn , spy
1. : one that foretells events by interpreting natural phenomena (as lightning) : soothsayer ; especially : a diviner in ancient Rome basing his predictions on inspection of the entrails of sacrificial animals — compare augur
2. : one that prophesies : prognosticator
our forecast has proven far more accurate than the divinations of the Democrat haruspex — O.D.Heck