I. hel·ler ˈhelə(r) noun
( plural hellers or heller )
Etymology: German, from Middle High German hallære, haller, heller, from Hall, town in Swabia, Germany where they were first minted + Middle High German -ære, -er -er
1. : an old small silver coin first issued in Germany in the 13th century, later debased to billon and finally to copper, and spreading to Austria and Switzerland
2. : an Austrian unit of value 1893-1925 equal to 1/100 of the krone ; also : a coin representing this unit last issued in 1916
3. : haler
II. hell·er noun
( -s )
Etymology: hell (I) + -er
chiefly dialect : one that is hard to handle ; especially : a person inclined to make trouble
used to be a heller — drank a lot and threw his weight around till he got in jail — Warren Leslie