Meaning of HOWEVER in English

I. hau̇ˈ(w)evə(r) conjunction

Etymology: Middle English, from how + ever


a. : in whatever manner or way

can go however he likes

b. : no matter to what degree or extent

however much he gives her, she wants more

2. archaic : although

howe'er thou art a fiend, a woman's shape doth shield thee — Shakespeare

II. adverb


a. : to whatever degree or extent

has done this for however many thousands of years — Emma Hawkridge

every device, however paltry, was resorted to — W.H.Prescott

b. : in whatever manner or way

shall serve you, sir, truly, however else — Shakespeare

2. : in spite of that : on the other hand : but

it still seems possible, however , that conditions will improve

I would like to go; however , I think I'd better not

3. archaic : at all events : at least : in any case

4. : how in the world

however did you manage it

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.