I. ˈhəkəl- — see berry noun
Etymology: perhaps alteration of hurtleberry
a. : an edible dark-blue to black berry with 10 hard bony nutlets that is typically smaller and more acid than a blueberry
b. : any of several No. American shrubs of the genus Gaylussacia (especially G. baccata ) whose fruit is a huckleberry — see box huckleberry
2. : blueberry 1: as
a. : a dark-fruited as distinguished from a blue-fruited blueberry
b. : whortleberry 1
c. : a stiff evergreen shrub ( Vaccinium ovatum ) with edible garnet to black berries and glossy foliage much used as greenery in floral arrangements and decorations
II. intransitive verb
: to pick or look for huckleberries
go huckleberrying