I. prefix
Etymology: alteration (influenced by Latin hyper- ) of Middle English iper-, from Late Latin hyper-, from Latin, from Greek, from hyper — more at over
1. : over : above : beyond : super-
hyper barbarous
hyper emphasis
2. : overmuch : excessively : extra-
hyper critical
hyper sensitive
a. : excessive in extent or quality
hyper esthesia
hyper emesis
b. : located above
hyper apophysis
4. in ancient Greek music
a. : being the upper octave in a disdiapason
hyper lydian
b. of an interval : measured upward
hyper diapason
II. prefix
1. : that is or exists in a space of more than three dimensions
hyper cube
hyper space
2. : bridging points within an entity (as a database or network) non-sequentially
hyper link
hyper text