Meaning of IMAGINE in English

ə̇ˈmajə̇n sometimes -maaj-; when “I” precedes or when imperative & sentence-initial often ˈm- verb

( imagined ; imagined ; imagining -j(ə̇)niŋ ; imagines )

Etymology: Middle English imaginen, from Middle French imaginer, from Latin imaginari, from imagin-, imago image — more at image

transitive verb

1. : to form an idea of : create a mental image of

imagine accidents at every turn

2. : to create by or as if by the imagination : fabricate

imagining stories to fool the public

3. : think , suppose , guess

I imagine it will rain

intransitive verb

1. obsolete : ponder , meditate

2. : to use the imagination ; specifically : to form images or conceptions

3. : suppose , think

Synonyms: see think

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.