I. (ˈ)i(m), ə+ adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin immortalis, from in- in- (I) + mortalis mortal — more at mortal
1. : not mortal : exempt from liability to die
the immortal gods
2. : connected with or relating to immortality
I have immortal longings in me — Shakespeare
3. : destined to persist through the ages : exempt from oblivion : imperishable , abiding
those immortal words
his fame immortal
II. noun
a. : an immortal being : one exempt from death
b. immortals plural , often capitalized : the gods of the Greek and Roman pantheon
a. immortals plural , often capitalized : a body of troops immortal in some way: as
(1) : the royal bodyguard of ancient Persia whose number was always kept full
(2) : troops famous for gallant behavior in war
(3) : troops that never see war
b. : a person (as an author) whose fame is lasting
c. usually capitalized : any of the 40 members of the Académie française
a. in Confucianism : an ideal human being of antiquity
b. in Taoism : one that has reached a divine state that is the highest to which man can attain
c. : a Chinese saint
4. also immortal hand : a stud-poker hand that is sure to win