(ˈ)im|pechəwəs, əmˈp- adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French impetueux, from Late Latin impetuosus, from Latin impetus + -osus -ous
1. : marked by force and violence of movement or action : furious
an impetuous wind
with impetuous speed
match his more impetuous neighbors working furiously at their hobbies — G.B.Shaw
2. : impulsively vehement in feeling
of a very warm and impetuous nature, responded to their affection with quite a tropical ardor — W.M.Thackeray
: hastily or rashly energetic or passionate
impetuous in his habits … lost his temper and punched another officer in the nose — J.G.Cozzens
restless, energetic, impetuous , temperamental, and at times a little irascible — A.W.Long
Synonyms: see precipitate