ˈimpə]d.ən(t)s, ]tən- also ]t ə n- sometimes except in sense b (ˈ)im|pō] or əmˈpō] noun
also im·po·ten·cy -nsē, -nsi
( plural impoten·ces also impoten·cies )
Etymology: Middle English impotence, impotencie, from Middle French & Medieval Latin; Middle French impotence, from Medieval Latin impotentia, from Latin, lack of self-control, from impotent-, impotens + -ia -y
1. : the quality or state of being impotent: as
a. : lack of strength : weakness , feebleness
the very impotence of the government, the impossibility of doing anything — Upton Sinclair
: helplessness
reduce them to intellectual impotence — H.J.Laski
a small force … reduced to impotence a fortress that had been expected to withstand attack for at least 2 weeks — Military Review
(1) : a physical or psychological abnormal state usually of a male characterized by inability to copulate — compare sterility
(2) : sterility — not used technically
[Latin impotentia \]
obsolete : lack of self-restraint or self-control