I. (|)in, ən+ adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin incomprehensibilis, from in- in- (I) + comprehensibilis comprehensible — more at comprehensible
1. archaic : having or subject to no limits : illimitable
an infinite and incomprehensible substance — Richard Hooker
a. : impossible to comprehend : lying above or beyond the reach of the human mind
the incomprehensible mysteries of creation
b. : being beyond the powers of comprehension of a particular mind : unintelligible
an incomprehensible subject to him
c. : being beyond ordinary comprehension : unfathomable
incomprehensible moods
a whimsical incomprehensible person
3. obsolete : impossible to catch or hold
• in·com·pre·hen·si·ble·ness -nə̇s noun -es
• in·comprehensibly |in+ adverb
II. noun
( -s )
: something incomprehensible