(ˌ)inˌkȯ(r)pəˈrāshən, ən- noun
Etymology: Middle English incorporacioun, incorperacioun, from Late Latin incorporation-, incorporatio, from incorporatus (past participle of incorporare to incorporate) + Latin -ion-, -io -ion — more at incorporate
1. : an act of incorporating or the state of being incorporated: as
a. : a union of something with an existing whole into a new intimate and usually permanent new whole
incorporation of plasticizer with a resin
incorporation of the conquered territory into the empire
b. : a union of diverse things into a whole : intimate mingling : combination , synthesis
the incorporation of these rough notes into a coherent report
c. : a creation of a corporation or especially of a legal corporate entity
d. : incarnation , embodiment
a. obsolete : a charter of incorporation
b. : an incorporated association or entity : corporation
3. : the process of word and sentence formation characteristic of incorporating languages