ə̇nˈfekshəs adjective
Etymology: infection + -ous
a. : capable of causing infection : infective
a carrier remains infectious without himself showing signs of disease
viruses and other infectious agents
b. : communicable by infection
an infectious disease
— compare contagious
2. : corrupting, contaminating, vitiating, demoralizing
fear is exceedingly infectious : children catch it from their elders — Bertrand Russell
they say cowardice is infectious — R.L.Stevenson
3. : capable of being easily diffused or spread : readily communicated : catching , sympathetic
his own delight in his great theme is infectious — Ernest Newman
infectious excitement
4. obsolete : infected
5. of contraband goods : having the effect of subjecting the entire cargo to forfeiture
• in·fec·tious·ly adverb
• in·fec·tious·ness noun -es