I. ˈinfəd ə l, -əˌdel noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle French infidele, adjective & noun, from Late Latin infidelis, from Latin, untrustworthy, unfaithful, from in- in- (I) + fidelis faithful — more at feal
1. : one that is not a Christian or opposes Christianity
a. : an unbeliever in respect to a particular religion
b. : one that acknowledges no religious belief — distinguished from heretic
3. : one that does not believe (as in something specified or understood) : skeptic , disbeliever
II. adjective
Etymology: Middle French infidele
a. : not holding the faith of a given religion ; especially : non-Christian
the infidel nations
an infidel Saracen
b. : opposing or traitorous to Christianity
infidel writers
an infidel sect
2. : relating to or characteristic of unbelief or unbelievers
infidel tract