Meaning of INTERESTING in English


Etymology: from present participle of interest (II)

1. obsolete : of concern : important

2. : engaging the attention : capable of arousing interest, curiosity, or emotion

interesting news

interesting personality


engrossing , absorbing , intriguing : interesting may imply a power to provoke attentive interest to an unspecified degree through some such quality as curiosity, sympathy, desire to understand, enthusiasm, or vicarious identification

seemed to me to be increasingly interesting; she was acquiring new subtleties, complexities, and comprehensions — Rose Macaulay

the effect of the moonlight on Netta's face was interesting. It was even complicated. It emphasized a certain haggardness, a certain battered, woebegone pitifulness in her — J.C.Powys

engrossing may suggest power to divert attention from other matters and to hold it by challenge, stimulation, provocation

an engrossing account of his research problems

an engrossing mystery drama

the fight with the hooked trout is only one phase of the sport, albeit a very engrossing one — Alexander MacDonald

absorbing may imply power to hold interest and attention utterly, the person concerned being oblivious to all else

but Maugham's skill as a storyteller is so impelling that one must follow through this absorbing tale to its end — R.A.Cordell

when a woman takes up some absorbing pursuit, and finds it and its associations more interesting than her husband's company and conversation and friends — G.B.Shaw

intriguing usually applies to what attracts attention, especially by arousing curiosity, puzzling one, archly fascinating, or challenging ingenuity

these intriguing beginnings stimulated a great research effort — A.G.N.Flew

her eyes had a definite slant from some Oriental ancestor, and, with her flaxen hair, gave her face an intriguing prettiness — Winifred Bambrick

- in an interesting condition

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