Meaning of INTERSTICE in English

ə̇n.ˈtərstə̇s, -tə̄s-, -təis- noun

( plural interstic·es ÷-stəˌsēz, -stə̇sə̇z)

Etymology: French, from Late Latin interstitium, from Latin interstitus (past participle of intersistere to stand still or stop in the middle of something, from inter- + sistere to place, stand) + -ium (n. suffix) — more at solstice

1. : a space that intervenes between one thing and another : a space between things (as the parts of a body) closely set : crack , crevice , interval

interstices of a wall

the interstices of network


a. : an interval of time

b. interstices plural : the intervals that the canon law requires between the reception of the various degrees of orders in the Roman Catholic Church

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