ə̇n.ˈtōn verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: alteration (influenced by Medieval Latin intonare ) of earlier entone, from Middle English entonen, from Middle French entoner, from Medieval Latin intonare, from Latin in- in- (II) + tonus tone
transitive verb
a. : to utter in musical or prolonged tones : recite in singing tones or in a monotone
intone the service
intone the hours of the night
intoning the marriage ceremony with the regular orthodox allowance for nasal recitative — T.L.Peacock
b. : to sing (as a song) or play (as a sonata) with special attention to the continuity of sound
2. : to sing usually as a solo or semichorus (the opening phrase of a plainsong, psalm, or canticle)
intransitive verb
: to utter something in singing tones or in monotone (as in chanting)
• in·ton·er -ōnə(r) noun