Meaning of IRRORATE in English

I. irrorate transitive verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

Etymology: Latin irroratus, past past. of irrorare, from in- in- (II) + rorare to moisten, shed moisture, from ror-, ros dew — more at roric

obsolete : bedew , moisten

• irroration noun -s obsolete

II. ir·ro·rate ˈirəˌrāt, ə̇ˈrōrə̇t/ adjective

also ir·ro·rat·ed ˈirəˌrād.ə̇d

( -s )

Etymology: irrorate from Latin irroratus, past participle; irrorated from Latin irroratus + English -ed

: covered with little spots : speckled

a tawny butterfly with black- irrorate wings

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