ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷mən noun
( plural journeymen )
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from jurne, journey + man
a. : a worker who has learned a handicraft or trade and is qualified to work at it usually for another by the day — distinguished from apprentice and master
b. : an experienced usually competent or reliable workman in any field usually as distinguished from one that is brilliant or colorful
a good, reliable journeyman of the theatre — Theatre Arts
a good journeyman trumpeter — New Yorker
journeyman work, competent but without much distinction — J.G.Villa
journeyman ' s work too slick and trite to prove itself — K.P.Kempton
journeymen rather than first-rate artists — H.E.Clurman
2. archaic : one hired to work for another : hireling
3. : the first rank earned by members of a Camp Fire Girls Horizon Club — compare artisan