Meaning of KUDOS in English

-ˌdäs, -ˌdōs noun

( plural ku·dos -ˌdōz)

Etymology: Greek kydos; akin to Old Slavic čudo wonder, Greek akouein to hear — more at hear

1. : fame and renown resulting from an act or achievement : prestige

occupations linked to inferior castes in Africa and India bring no kudos to their practitioners, no matter how skilled the craftsman — E.A.Hoebel

the curate's undaunted demeanor … was generally supposed to have terrified the burglars into flight and much kudos accrued to him thereby — Kenneth Grahame

2. : praise given for achievement : accolade 3c

a masterly study of primitive versus industrial society … with the kudos going to the pagan man — Betty Kirk

they will compel new respect and admiration far beyond the kudos civilization finds itself obliged to pay — Collier's

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