Meaning of LAPSED in English

I. adjective

Etymology: from past participle of lapse (II)

1. : surrendered or nullified because of failure to meet stipulated obligations : forfeited, void

dispose of the realm as a lapsed fief — G.C.Sellery

the widow gets no insurance because of a lapsed policy

2. : guilty of error or defection : fallen ; specifically : apostate

the deliberately lapsed Catholic cannot be such without mortal sin — D.J.Corrigan

3. : dropped out of sight or use : vanished

now in the moonlight, and now lapsed in shade — Lord Byron

the lapsed custom of an annual dinner — John Bull

II. noun plural

: early Christians deserting the faith because of persecution

in Rome the bishop … was prepared to permit the restoration of the lapsed — K.S.Latourette

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