I. ˈlēəˌnīn, -_nə̇n adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin leoninus, from leon-, leo lion + -inus -ine — more at lion
1. : resembling or suggesting that of a lion
a leonine head and shoulders — Albert Spalding
evoked the leonine rage of the master — F.J.Mather
2. : of or relating to a lion
II. adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Medieval Latin Leoninus, from Leon-, Leo Pope Leo IV died 855 + Latin -inus -ine
: of or relating to Pope Leo IV
thenceforth known as the Leonine city, it contained St. Peter's — M.W.Baldwin
III. adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: New Latin Leoninus, from Leon-, Leo Pope Leo XIII died 1903 + Latin -inus -ine
: of or relating to Pope Leo XIII
the translation … is from the Latin of the Leonine edition — W.L.Farrell