lə̇ˈvid.]ə̇kəl, -it], ]ēk- adjective
also le·vit·ic ]ik, ]ēk
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: levitical from Late Latin levitic us levitical (from Greek leuitikos, from Leuitēs Levite + -ikos -ic) + English -al; levitic from Late Latin leviticus
a. : of, characteristic of, or relating to the Levites
b. : qualified as a Levite
2. : of, relating to, or characteristic of the book of Leviticus
a. : of or relating to Hebrew dogma or ritual
Levitical questions
b. : priestly
4. : aaronic 2
• le·vit·i·cal·ly ]ə̇k(ə)lē, ]ēk-, -li\ adverb , usually capitalized