ˈleksə̇kəl, -sēk- adjective
also lex·ic -sik, -sēk
Etymology: lexical from lexic on + -al; lexic back-formation from lexical
a. : of or relating to words, word formatives, or the vocabulary of a language as distinguished from its grammar and construction
lexical elements like book, run, and so on — Sol Saporta
lexical research is not so much linguistic research as research in the culture of a community — R.I.McDavid
b. : uttered with heavy stress when devoid of context or when emphatic
ˈand or ˈaa(ə)nd is the lexical pronunciation of and, which in context usually has ə for vowel or no vowel at all and often has not two consonants but one, which is n or by environmental assimilation m or ŋ
a distinction may be present in lexical pronunciation which disappears in connected speech — A.F.Hubbell
2. : of or relating to a lexicon or to lexicography
lexical methods aim to list all the relevant forms — A.F.Parker-Rhodes
• lex·i·cal·i·ty ˌleksəˈkaləd.ē, -lətē, -i noun -es
• lex·i·cal·ly -sə̇k(ə)lē, -sēk-, -li adverb