I. ˈlid.ərəl, ˈlitə-; | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|ral, -räl, -rȧl adjective
Etymology: Latin littoralis, litoralis, from littor-, littus, litor-, litus seashore + -alis -al
: of or relating to or on or near a shore especially of the sea:
a. : of, relating to, or being the biogeographic zone that includes (1) the intertidal and eulittoral regions on a seacoast or (2) the marginal part of a body of fresh water extending downward to the limit of rooted vegetation
b. : inhabiting or growing on or near a seacoast
c. : composed of material deposited near a shore and within the zone affected by waves and coastal currents
II. noun
( -s )
Etymology: Italian littorale, from littorale, adjective, of the seashore, from Latin littoralis, litoralis
: a coastal region including both the land along the coast and the water near the coast : the shore zone between high and low watermarks