ˈläkyələs noun
( plural locu·li -yəˌlī)
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, compartment, receptacle, coffin, diminutive of locus place — more at stall
: a small chamber or cavity: as
a. : a recess in an ancient tomb or catacomb for the reception of a body or a funeral urn
(1) : one of the cells of the compound ovary of a plant
(2) : the cavity of a pollen sac
(3) : a spore-bearing chamber in the stroma of a fungus
(1) : one of the spaces between the septa of the theca of an anthozoan
(2) : one of the chambers in the shell of a foraminifer
(3) : an egg case (as of a mollusk)
(4) : a sucker on a haptor
d. : a small sinus in a bone (as in the mastoid bone)