-nt adjective
Etymology: Latin luxuriant-, luxurians, present participle of luxuriare to luxuriate
a. : yielding or capable of yielding abundance : fruitful , productive
placid undulating luxuriant country — J.C.Powys
b. : characterized by abundant growth : lush , flourishing
this damp and mild climate makes possible the most luxuriant forest growth — C.D.Forde
Canna indica was planted and it flourished, growing a most luxuriant crop — Edward Samuel
regular features, luxuriant side-whiskers and mustache — F.L.Hise
a. : exuberantly rich and varied : prolific , inventive
all the luxuriant human life that pours out upon a traveler who knocks on many doors — J.T.Flexner
a luxuriant mythology has … populated the universe with explanatory spirits — S.C.Pepper
luxuriant and vital imagery — Eunice Glenn
b. : excessively elaborate : florid
a master of luxuriant prose … too often entangled in his own metaphors — Nicolas Slonimsky
3. : characterized by luxury : luxurious , elegant
gay companies in luxuriant restaurants — Theodore Dreiser
Synonyms: see profuse