I. ˈləksh(ə)rē, ˈləgzh-, -ri noun
( -es )
Etymology: Middle English luxurie, from Middle French, from Latin luxuria luxury, excess; akin to Latin luxus luxury, excess, and probably to Latin luxus dislocated — more at lock (of hair)
1. archaic : lechery , lust
stained with adulterous luxury — John Marston
a. : an habitually sumptuous environment or way of life
princes of the Renascence lavished upon private luxury … enormous amounts of money — Lewis Mumford
b. : an elegant appointment or material aid to the achievement of luxury
the sharp gaze of a woman … condemned the details of this chamber that imitated every luxury — Arnold Bennett
c. : a nonessential item or service that contributes to luxurious living : an indulgence in ornament or convenience beyond the indispensable minimum : extravagance
expensive shotguns and other luxuries — Thomas Munro
sent her off … in a taxi, which was evidently a luxury for her: she protested about the expense — Edmund Wilson
allowing no money to be wasted on whims and luxuries until necessities have been thoroughly served — G.B.Shaw
3. : a means or source of pleasurable experience or personal satisfaction : comfort , self-indulgence
dropping into a plush-covered armchair, a luxury she seldom allowed herself — L.P.Hartley
for the rich and titled, snobbery is not a superfluous luxury , but a necessity — Aldous Huxley
the Senate is small and can afford the luxury of very loose rules — D.W.Brogan
Western European states … could no longer afford the luxury of full independence and freedom of action in foreign affairs — F.L.Schuman
4. : luxuriousness
a period of luxury , when racecourses, wine cellars, and balls reached their apogee — American Guide Series: Virginia
nobody wants to banish luxury of language from the theater — Kenneth Tynan
the fabrics … lacked richness and luxury of handling — E.I.Cohen
II. adjective
: of or relating to luxury or luxuries or catering to luxurious tastes : sumptuous , nonessential
luxury liner
luxury resort
luxury goods
laughter, a luxury reflex, is without survival value — Isaac Rosenfeld