I. |masə|dōnēən adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Macedonia, region in the central Balkan peninsula + English -an
: belonging or relating to Macedonia
II. noun
( -s )
Usage: capitalized
1. : a native or inhabitant of ancient Macedonia
a. : a native or inhabitant of modern Macedonia
b. : one that is of Macedonian descent
3. : the Slavic language of the modern Macedonian people
4. : the language of ancient Macedonia of uncertain affinity but generally assumed to be Indo-European
III. noun
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Macedoni us, 4th century bishop of Constantinople and patriarch of the Eastern Church + English -an
: a follower of the bishop Macedonius, who held the Holy Ghost to be a creature like the angels and a servant and minister of the Father and the Son