(ˈ)ma|dam, -daa(ə)m also məˈd- sometimes məˈdäm or məˈdȧm; before a surname “ or |madəm noun
( plural mes·dames (ˈ)mā|däm, -dam, -daa(ə)m, -dȧm ; or madames ; see numbered senses )
Etymology: French, from Old French ma dame, literally, my lady
1. plural madames , archaic : a French married woman
would tell you which madame loved a monsieur — Ben Jonson
2. : a female member of the French royal family ; specifically : the eldest daughter of the French king or of the dauphin
3. plural mesdames : mistress — used as a title that is prefixed to the surname of a woman who is not of English-speaking nationality or that is assumed by a professional woman (as a musician) especially to imply European antecedents
4. plural madames : madam 4b
the wrong side of the tracks, among coal miners and madames of sporting houses — Heath Bowman