ˌmäfēˈō(ˌ)sō, -af-, -)zō noun
( plural mafio·si -sē, -zē ; also mafiosos )
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: Italian, from mafioso , adjective, belonging to the Mafia, from Mafia + -oso -ous, from Latin -osus
: a member of the Mafia or a mafia
ˌmäfēˈō(ˌ)sō, -af-, -)zō noun
( plural mafio·si -sē, -zē ; also mafiosos )
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: Italian, from mafioso , adjective, belonging to the Mafia, from Mafia + -oso -ous, from Latin -osus
: a member of the Mafia or a mafia
Webster's New International English Dictionary. Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster. 2012