Meaning of MAGISTERY in English

ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌsterē noun

( -es )

Etymology: Medieval Latin magisterium, from Latin, office of a supervisor, office of tutor or guardian, instruction, from magister master — more at master

1. : a principle of nature having transmuting or curative powers : philosophers' stone

he that hath water turned to ashes, hath the Magistery, and the true Philosophers' stone — James Howell

2. obsolete : mastership , authority

3. obsolete

a. : precipitate 1

b. : any of various white precipitates from metallic solutions

a white precipitate of bismuth subnitrate was formerly known as magistery of bismuth

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.