I. adjective
also ma·nil·la məˈnilə
Etymology: from Manila, Philippines
1. usually capitalized : of or from the city of Manila, Philippines : of the kind or style prevalent in Manila
[ Manila (paper) ]
a. : made of manila paper or board
a manila envelope
a manila folder
manila cards
b. usually capitalized
[ Manila (hemp) ]
: made from Manila hemp
Manila rope
Manila yarn
II. noun
also manilla
( -s )
[ Manila (hemp) ]
a. sometimes capitalized : abaca
b. or manilla “
[ Manila (rope) ]
: a rope of manila
c. or manilla
[ Manilla (paper) ]
: manila paper or board
2. also manila cigar usually capitalized M : a cigar or cheroot made of tobacco grown in the Philippines
always carried on him about six or seven large Manilas — Osbert Sitwell
3. usually capitalized : manila copal
4. : a light yellowish brown that is lighter, stronger and slightly redder than khaki, yellower and slightly darker than walnut brown, yellower and paler than cinnamon, and stronger than fallow