|märkt, |mȧkt adjective
a. : having a mark
a marked card
a marked coin
dotted with marked boulders and other memorials of historic interest — American Guide Series: Texas
b. : having a mark of a specified kind — usually used in combination
a scar- marked lad
2. : having a distinctive or strongly pronounced character : noticeable
spoke … with a marked American accent — Nevil Shute
a marked feature of these occasions — Encyc. Americana
have a marked capacity for industrial work — Current Biography
found him of a very marked physiognomy — Bram Stoker
— often used in combination
there is no well- marked nervous system — Encyc. Americana
a. : being a person on whom attention or interest is focused : enjoying fame or notoriety
this small staff made the editor a marked man — F.L.Mott
b. : being an object of attack, suspicion, or vengeance
a marked man to the British — American Guide Series: Massachusetts
4. : overtly signaled by a linguistic feature
with most English nouns the plural is the marked number