Meaning of MARVELOUS in English


or mar·vel·lous ˈmärv(ə)ləs, ˈmȧv-

Etymology: Middle English merveillous, from Middle French merveilleus, from merveille marvel + -eus -ous — more at marvel

1. : causing or being such as to cause wonder : fundamentally exceptional in character or quality

the marvelous directional sense of migrating birds

hands with a marvelous capacity for healing


a. : being or having the characteristics of a miracle

the marvelous flow of water from the stone that was struck by the prophet's rod

b. : employing or concerned with the miraculous or supernatural

the Gothic revival with its stress on the marvelous and bizarre

3. : of the highest kind or quality : notably superior : excellent

showed a marvelous coolness in the face of danger

has a marvelous way with children

• mar·vel·ous·ly or mar·vel·lous·ly adverb

• mar·vel·ous·ness or mar·vel·lous·ness noun -es

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