I. noun
( -s )
Etymology: from gerund of mask (III)
1. : the act or an instance of taking part in a masquerade
general masking on February 18, Shrove Tuesday — New York Times
a. : the act or an instance of concealing or screening from view, perception, or knowledge
despite masking of part of the data by … some other countries — P.A.Sorokin
b. or masking piece : a piece of scenery used to screen from a theater audience any part of the stage that should not be seen
3. : a suppression of symptoms in plants (as in some virus diseases) under some environmental conditions
II. adjective
Etymology: from present participle of mask (III)
1. : used in, appropriate to, marked by, or given to the wearing of masks
masking clubs staged a festival
2. : tending to mask: as
a. : tending to conceal from view
speeding down the other lane beyond the masking truck — T.H.White b.1915
b. : being or relating to a flavoring or scenting substance used to cover or disguise an unpleasant taste or smell
a masking agent