also mat·a·dore ˈmad.əˌdō(ə)r, -ȯ(ə)r, -ōə, -ȯ(ə)
( -s )
Etymology: Spanish, from matar to kill, probably from (assumed) Vulgar Latin mattare to defeat, overcome — more at mat
1. : a bullfighter who has the principal role in a bullfight and who finally kills the bull with a sword thrust after goading on and tiring the bull with a series of formalized passes with a cape
(1) : a principal trump in some card games (as ombre)
(2) : a jack of clubs and each other trump held in sequence with it in the game of skat
(1) : a variation of the game of dominoes in which ends of dominoes matched in play must total seven except for four dominoes that may be played at any time
(2) : one of the four dominoes that may be played at any time in the game of matador