| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective
a. : unwilling to tell the truth in plain language : tending to cloak thoughts, ideas, or intents by the use of obscure or devious language
a mealymouthed hypocrite
often : affectedly unwilling to use strong or coarse language
b. of an utterance : suitable to a mealymouthed person
mealymouthed phrases
2. of an animal : having a zone of white behind a black muzzle — used especially of cattle and horses
• mealy·mouthed·ly -|mau̇thə̇dlē, -thə̇dlē, -thtlē, -thdlē adverb
• mealy·mouthed·ness -thə̇dnə̇s, -thə̇dn-, -th(t)n-, -th(d)n- noun -es