Meaning of MENSE in English

I. ˈmen(t)s noun

( -s )

Etymology: alteration of Middle English menske, mensk, from Old Norse mennska humanity, from mennskr human — more at luftmensch

1. dialect Britain

a. : mannerly or gracious behavior : propriety ; specifically : hospitality

b. : a large amount or number

2. dialect Britain : a source of honor : honor , credit

3. dialect Britain : neatness or freshness in appearance : spruceness

II. transitive verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

Etymology: alteration of Middle English mensken, from menske, mensk, n.

1. dialect Britain : to do honor to : decorate , grace

2. dialect Britain : to make clean or orderly : dress up

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.