Meaning of MES- in English

combining form

or meso-

Etymology: Latin, from Greek, from mesos — more at mid


a. : in the middle : intermediate (as in position, size, type, time, degree)

meso derm

mes odont

meso nephroma

meso plankton

meso prosopic

Meso zoa

meso carp

b. : mesentery or membrane supporting a (specified) part

meso caecum

meso colon

mes archium

c. : mesoderm : mesodermal and

mes ameboid

2. meso- : a reduction product of a porphyrin or other pyrrole derivative in which one or more vinyl groups have been hydrogenated to ethyl

meso hemin

meso bilirubin

3. : an inorganic acid regarded as an intermediate hydrated form

di meso periodic acid H 4 I 2 O 9

4. meso- , usually italic

a. : an optical isomer whose inactivity is attributed to the molecule's being internally compensated

meso -tartaric acid

b. : a middle position or group especially in a cyclic compound

meso -chloro-anthracene is 9-chloro-anthracene

meso -phenyl-imidazole is 2-phenyl-imidazole

— abbr. ms or μ

5. : of late Paleozoic or of Mesozoic age — in names of igneous rocks

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